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Google This!
Twenty brainiac volunteers from Google met their match when they spent time at our Head Start preschool in The Bronx on June 14th. Students learned that maybe they could work for Google when they grow up, and the techies discovered how access to education helps children thrive. A special thanks to board member Chris Ackerman of Google for making this happen.
Interaction with corporate volunteers is so important because it shows children that the world is full of possibilities. Morgan Stanley volunteers are frequent classroom visitors. Our kids also visit corporate volunteers in their workplace. Student council members from one of our Bronx community schools had a chance to visit BNY Mellon’s offices in Manhattan in July.
In August, A.T. Kearney held mock interview sessions with your young people in their offices on the 39th floor overlooking Times Square. It’s wonderful when our young people can peer out of the windows of a Manhattan skyscraper and imagine themselves working in such a setting one day.
Would you like to arrange a group visit to Leake & Watts for your company? Contact us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to arrange it.